WARNING: This program does not work! It has a bug, so we need to fix it!

RULE: Variable names should NOT have quotes around them! They appear orange in the editor.

  • Click Run and look at the stage to see the error.
  • Debug the program so that the sprite has four purple balloons.

To navigate the page using the TAB key, first press ESC to exit the code editor.

stage.set_background("city") sprite = codesters.Sprite("person2") sprite.go_to(0, -100) balloon_size = 100 # sprite = codesters.Circle(x, y, diameter, "color") balloon1 = codesters.Circle(-130, 100, balloon_size, "purple") balloon2 = codesters.Circle(-50, 125, balloon_size, "purple") balloon3 = codesters.Circle(20, 180, "balloon_size", "purple") balloon4 = codesters.Circle(105, 140, "balloon_size", "purple")
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  • Codesters How To (opens in a new tab)